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Why you need Professional Product Photography

As product photography experts, one of the major questions we’re always getting asked is “Why do I need a professional Photographer when I have an iPhone?” or “Why do I need professionally taken photos when I can touch-up my images with filters.”

To a certain extent, these are fair questions. Mobile camera technology has improved exponentially in the last 10 years.

The fairly crude pixelated images a phone captured 10 years ago have given way to sharp crisp 4k shots that use software enhancements to give every image that professional sheen.

However, the quality of the camera is only one factor amongst many that effects the impact of an image. A professional’s expertise extends far beyond the quality of the equipment used.

Expertise lies in how this equipment is exploited along with other factors like framing and lighting.

Frankly, wondering why you need a professional photographer for your product shots when you have a smartphone camera, is a bit like wondering why you should go to a restaurant when you own an oven.

Sure you may be able to wipe up a fine three-course meal at home, but unfortunately, it will pale in comparison to a professional chief working with the best ingredients and the best equipment.

In a way, photography is like that. Sure, with your trusty smartphone and a few strategically positioned lamps you may be able to produce some decent shots. However, in the increasingly competitive world of online product selling, "decent" images just aren't enough?

Importance of Professional Product Photography

When considering the importance of professional product photography in the online world, let’s consider a startlingly statistic:

75% of online Shoppers rely on an image to make a purchase

Let’s consider this for a moment. If 75% of shoppers are going to be influenced by the product image, doesn’t that make the product image the most important media element on your site?

While so many e-commerce gurus proclaim that shoppers are now researching everything from their next car to their next toothbrush purchase, the above statistic may very well reveal a simple truth about consumer behaviour. Most of us shop with our eyes and not necessarily our brains.

Therefore, an online retailer can’t gamble on so-so product photography. To give their products every chance of standing out in a crowded online space, they need to hire a professional.

Product Photography and Social Media

Let’s move on to two further statistics that we feel are directly related to one another.

Professional and engaging visual content is 40% more likely to get shared online

43% of shoppers research products through social networks

Social networks, in particular, the grand daddies of the industry: Facebook and Instagram, have become huge product marketplaces in and of themselves.

While certainly paid advertising on these platforms has its place, word of mouth and social proof e.g. having individuals hit that coveted share button and broadcasting their approval to their followers, is probably the best product marketing available.

To give your products every chance of getting shared online, high-quality and engaging product photography and rich marketing materials are an absolute must.

Product Photography & the Future of Your Business

With the continuing and seemingly unstoppable growth of online retail, professional product photography may very well be the difference between success and failure.

So put the phone away and invest in your business’s growth by requesting a consultation with one of our product photography experts.

For additional information on our product photography packages see our product photography page.


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